Getting started

To illustrate how to use synon2hbm, here's how you can create a small Synon model, and use synon2hbm to generate java classes to access it.

This guide will tell you how to:

Create the Synon model

First, create a Synon model as illustrated by the following screendumps.

Define the database entities and relations as follows:
Table definitions.

Define the fields like this:
Field definitions

Add some conditions for the Difficulty field. The "Medium to High" condition list is used in one of the test cases, so you should add a condition list with that name. Other than that, their names are not important, but create both a few condition values and some condition lists.
You can also add narratives for conditions, fields and tables. If you do, they will be used for javadoc comments.
Conditions for the Difficulty field.

It is not required to run the generator, but if you want to run the dao tests (the integrationtest target in the buildscript), you must start journaling on the files using these commands:

synon2hbm looks for 2 access path names: Hibernate and .Hibernate (dot Hibernate). For files which have an access path named .Hibernate, synon2hbm generates java classes for all the fields used in the file. For files whith an access path named Hibernate (without the dot), synon2hbm does the same and generates Hibernate mappings or the file.
The .Hibernate access path is usefull if you want to maintain your hibernate mappings manually, but here we want synon2hbm to generate the Hibernate mappings for us, so add an access path called Hibernate on each file.

Install synon2hbm

Download and unpack synon2hbm, or check out the synon2hbm module from cvs. Run the ant buildscript.

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