synon2hbm uses meta data from a Synon (aka COOL:2e aka Advantage:2E aka AllFusion:2E) model to generate java classes, Hibernate mappings and Hibernate UserTypes representing the datatypes and databases defined in said Synon model.
Synon:2E (aka COOL:2e aka Advantage:2E aka AllFusion:2E) is a proprietary development environment in which a data model (the database) and associated programs are defined in a central repository.
Accessing a database defined in Synon from java programs using JDBC is very awkward, because all field names in database tabels generated by Synon have extremely non-intuitive generated names. Also, Synon has a richer type system than the database, so field characteristics are lost when using JDBC.
synon2hbm extracts meta-data from a Synon repository and generate java classes representing the data types used in Synon and Hibernate mappings and -UserTypes, making it possible to use Hibernate to access the database using the same human-readable field names as when working directly in Synon.
synon2hbm is written in java.
The initial source was contributed by Bonnier Magazine Data A/S.
synon2hbm has not been tested on anything except AllFusion:2E 8.0 on IBM iSeries, but will probably also work with some earlier versions of Synon.
To get you started, here's a short
getting started guide.
We are also working on a Manual, and you can find
answers to some of the problems encountered by synon2hbm users in the
SourceForge project page: